The San Francisco Bay Area is home to over 7 million people in the 9 counties surrounding the bay. This area includes the Wine Country in the north, Silicon Valley in the south, the shores of the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the edge of the Central Valley in the east. In the little village of Lafayette where we live we are fortunate to have open spaces all around us. Briones Regional Park and Las Trampas Regional Park offer sunshine, fresh air, and exercise on hiking trails just a short distance from home.

Seeking health and wisdom we try to do what it takes to have an hour each day outdoors in the Natural World. Being outside, especially in uncrowded open spaces, bathes us in sunshine and fresh air. I know that the vitamin D from the sun is different from the vitamin D in the gel capsule supplement I take every day. Exercise oxygenates our blood and we breath deep, full breaths. The ridgetop provides perspective on our place in the immense network of interrelationships.

On the Summer Solstice we took a hike on the Bear Creek Trail that circles round the Briones Reservoir. It is an East Bay Municipal Utilities District trail, and since a permit is required it is less traveled than other trails.

The wonders of trees and grasses, streams, rivers and lakes, sun, clouds, fresh air and birds, ocean waves and wind, remind us of our connection to nature, the earth, and to each other.

Of course, walks around our neighborhood are also beautiful and colorful.

The children’s sidewalk art always has something good to say.

Creative decorations beautify our surroundings and energize our environment. We have so much to be thankful for.